

“Motherhood really changed me! I have always been a career and work driven person, but my son has given me a different angle to life. He has me noticing and enjoying the little things in life; like running on the grass while the sprinkler is on and laughing while at it, or playing football in our living room at 10pm in the night!”

“I was the saddest when I lost my grandfather. We were very close. In a strange kind of way, when he fell ill I felt like he’d have more time around if I did not visit him. Big mistake. His health deteriorated and he eventually passed away. I have always felt that I did not spend enough time with him.”

“The youth today, need to learn how to have fun as they go through life and how to immerse themselves into doing things that will shape their lives. We need to have patience in this journey of life.”

“My friends say I am focused and that I do well whatever it is that I put my mind to. I somehow can never get myself to make round chapatis. It beats me!” 🙂

Unconditional Love..

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“I am passionate! I put my everything in whatever it is I choose to do, be it business, a relationship or helping someone.”

“I am happy to have met the love of my life. I get the feeling that he loves me unconditionally. There’s this time we went through a rough patch and we were not in talking terms. Through this period he passed by my house each evening after work, just to check on me even though we were not speaking to each other. Now what would you call that, if not love?”

“I am looking forward to having a baby. There is a level of engagement that a relationship gets to, and having a child becomes a very high likelihood. That’s where we are! :-)”

“I have been sad in my life, particularly when I lost my mum. She was well and looking forward to a beautiful future when she met her death through a gangster’s bullet. This was the saddest and darkest period of my life. It is with concern that I have noticed Kenyans compassion to one another is waning away fast. You could get robbed on the street full of people and no one will stop to help!”

“If I was to speak to a large group of Kenyans, I would tell them to follow their dreams, to build their lives on them and not what society dictates. We are all unique. I would also urge them to vote with their heads come election time, and not with their hearts or their stomachs!”



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“The loss of my two daughters has made me very passionate about children. I want the best for children as they grow up. As a result, I have taken up the care of two orphans in my home town. The doctors say that it could be a genetic problem that may hinder my wife and I from bearing children. If this is medically confirmed, I hope to adopt a child of whatever race and bring them up as our own”

“It bothers me that people in Nairobi tend to be too self-centred. People are reluctant to help each other. As we are talking you just saw it! Why did that driver hoot so hard at the physically impaired man trying to cross the road? It’s because he’s not empathetic, and that disturbs me.”

“I have travelled wide and seen what other countries are doing. I do not see why our beloved Kenya should be left behind. I want this country to grow and be a global economic icon for Africa. In my heart of hearts, I know this is possible.”

“I would like to tell the youth that education is key. There may be several exceptional cases of persons that dropped out of college and still made it, but what really opens up the mind to endless possibilities is education, and we should therefore take it seriously.”






Love The Children..


I love children. They are the future of this country, and I am not just saying this as the old adage goes; I mean it. The way a society brings up its children determines how the society will run when they are grown-ups. I have taken it upon myself to ensure that children grow up being well mannered and respectful of self as well as others. I have come up with a business concept around this and I dedicate all my work hours to it, working with kindergartens, and other elementary education institutions. A tree is shaped when young, and it is in this age that I seek to instil good manners in the kids I work with.

I dislike it when people look down upon the efforts of others and belittle them. I come across such people regularly as I visit government offices to sell my idea of working with kids, and it saddens me how a people can just choose to trivialize children and their affairs. It hurts me.

I found great happiness when I married my wife and I was even happier when God blessed us with a beautiful daughter!

If I had the power to change just one thing in our country today, I’d change people’s attitude. Attitude is everything! A positive attitude goes a long way.