

“Motherhood really changed me! I have always been a career and work driven person, but my son has given me a different angle to life. He has me noticing and enjoying the little things in life; like running on the grass while the sprinkler is on and laughing while at it, or playing football in our living room at 10pm in the night!”

“I was the saddest when I lost my grandfather. We were very close. In a strange kind of way, when he fell ill I felt like he’d have more time around if I did not visit him. Big mistake. His health deteriorated and he eventually passed away. I have always felt that I did not spend enough time with him.”

“The youth today, need to learn how to have fun as they go through life and how to immerse themselves into doing things that will shape their lives. We need to have patience in this journey of life.”

“My friends say I am focused and that I do well whatever it is that I put my mind to. I somehow can never get myself to make round chapatis. It beats me!” 🙂

Nothing Romantic About War..


“I have worked in the military force of a European country. This exposed me to all the fears and dangers that a human being can possibly face. In the military one lives a very condensed life; with intervals of highs and lows too close to each other. The uncertainty of life is more real here! While serving in the army I leaned that brotherhood knows no race, colour or creed. With a common goal in mind all these differences do not matter!”

“One of the lowest moments I have had in my life is when I was in the army and one afternoon as we took lunch, CNN aired a live coverage of the Post Election Violence. There were men hacking another in the full glare of the cameras! I was the only black man in the platoon and the fact that I was Kenyan just made it the more embarrassing. I could feel my colleagues’ eyes gnaw at me, as the happenings in my country seemed to confirm the stereotype that the rest of the world sometimes secretly habours about black people. That we are barbaric. At that moment, I swore to do something about tribalism in my beloved country, Kenya!”

“I am widely traveled and quite well read too. One thing I can assure my fellow Kenyans is that talent knows no tribe. With passion, vision and purpose, a single individual can change the world. I like to look at Obama as an example of one who went on to succeed against all odds. After 400 years of slavery, he pushed with passion, vision and purpose to become the first black president at the helm of the most powerful nation in the world! Purpose is the most important thing in life. Even when things are not working as you want them to, purpose keeps you focused.”

“I have had numerous beautiful experiences in my life and this has mostly come with the opportunities to do new things every now and then. The first time I flew a big jet by myself was the most exhilarating. Oh wait, or was it when I first fired from a tank? I can’t quite pick which encounter ever gave me the highest rush! All in all, I will say this without a doubt, War is Ugly! There’s nothing Romantic about War!”

Unconditional Love..

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“I am passionate! I put my everything in whatever it is I choose to do, be it business, a relationship or helping someone.”

“I am happy to have met the love of my life. I get the feeling that he loves me unconditionally. There’s this time we went through a rough patch and we were not in talking terms. Through this period he passed by my house each evening after work, just to check on me even though we were not speaking to each other. Now what would you call that, if not love?”

“I am looking forward to having a baby. There is a level of engagement that a relationship gets to, and having a child becomes a very high likelihood. That’s where we are! :-)”

“I have been sad in my life, particularly when I lost my mum. She was well and looking forward to a beautiful future when she met her death through a gangster’s bullet. This was the saddest and darkest period of my life. It is with concern that I have noticed Kenyans compassion to one another is waning away fast. You could get robbed on the street full of people and no one will stop to help!”

“If I was to speak to a large group of Kenyans, I would tell them to follow their dreams, to build their lives on them and not what society dictates. We are all unique. I would also urge them to vote with their heads come election time, and not with their hearts or their stomachs!”



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“The loss of my two daughters has made me very passionate about children. I want the best for children as they grow up. As a result, I have taken up the care of two orphans in my home town. The doctors say that it could be a genetic problem that may hinder my wife and I from bearing children. If this is medically confirmed, I hope to adopt a child of whatever race and bring them up as our own”

“It bothers me that people in Nairobi tend to be too self-centred. People are reluctant to help each other. As we are talking you just saw it! Why did that driver hoot so hard at the physically impaired man trying to cross the road? It’s because he’s not empathetic, and that disturbs me.”

“I have travelled wide and seen what other countries are doing. I do not see why our beloved Kenya should be left behind. I want this country to grow and be a global economic icon for Africa. In my heart of hearts, I know this is possible.”

“I would like to tell the youth that education is key. There may be several exceptional cases of persons that dropped out of college and still made it, but what really opens up the mind to endless possibilities is education, and we should therefore take it seriously.”






Been To Jail..


“I know this will shock you, but yes I have been to jail. Being in business, there are many low moments. However, I think that serving time in a foreign country for working with illegal papers was the lowest moment for me. I was just trying to make a living and not by harming anyone.”

“I am very competitive and most times I take on fear by the horns! I learned this when we once hitchhiked through several South African countries with a lady friend of mine. We found ourselves in Zimbabwe and beaten for time to make it to Cape Town for the New Year’s eve party. My friend insisted on doing the bungee at the Zambezi and I was hell bent to that we should head out south to Cape Town for the party. My friend decided to stay, asked me to proceed and promised to catch up with me further south. When I thought about it, I couldn’t bear having her come back home with stories of having jumped whereas I didn’t. Needless to say, I also stayed and we bungee jumped at the Zambezi! Miraculously, we also made it to the party!”

“I hate corruption and what it has done to our country Kenya. I urge each of my fellow citizens to be true to self and observe patience in everything that we do. Impatience breeds greed and infects the mind to be self-centered.”

“For a better tomorrow, I pray that we may raise our boys to be real men!”


God Had Set Me Down..


I am always glad that I met my wife. she certainly is the woman of my dreams! After God, she comes first and everything else follows 🙂

There’s a time when God had set me down, and through that I learned what it means to let God be in control of my life. When I was 19 years old I couldn’t find a job, yet I needed to take care of my mother and younger brother while my father was serving time in jail.

I prayed really hard and promised God that I would turn to Him if I got a job. I got a well paying job, but as soon as life became smooth I fell off the path of God’s way. I partied hard, and hardly ever went to church. After about two years, I lost the job and life became really difficult. I couldn’t find any job to help feed or pay my family’s bills. It was so bad, I couldn’t even get a job in a fast food restaurant! It was a period of two difficult years, where I had scrape around to live. Through this period, I turned back to God and His ways. I have never turned back.

I would want to change the state of poverty in Kenya. Particularly the poverty of the mind. It saddens me that a people can let unscrupulous politicians play around with their minds to a point where they are totally taken over.

I love to help people and will do it at any opportunity given.

Push On Against The Odds..


I am living my passion working in a photo studio. I always took photographs as a hobby until this opportunity came along. I hope to open and run a studio of my own some time in my life. There’s something that captivates me about capturing images 🙂

There’s a time I had to drop out of college due to lack of fees. I felt as if I was being blocked from my dream of being an IT specialist and this really took a hit on me. I worked through odd jobs here and there and managed to finance my education as I worked. I pushed on against the odds!

Looking at my fellow young Kenyans today, I would really want to impress on them to do everything they choose to do with excellence. These days people are doing things halfheartedly especially at work. That’s why the standards of service, hospitality and even security seem to be plummeting fast. Love what you do, give it your all and let’s build a better Kenya.

I hate politics! It’s all talk and no action.



Shun Violence..


I worked as a Science Assistant at one of the geothermal plants in the country, for about eight years and earned a decent, honest living. This came to an abrupt end when I was fired on very flimsy grounds, that I had misappropriated my leave allowance! In my heart of hearts, I believe this was a case of witch-hunting on tribal grounds. My life has never been the same again, but I keep pushing on as I cannot give up and die. I have now taken up being a domestic security guard.

I grew up in a home where my father provided everything for us. I felt loved and protected. This was until my parents separated when I was ten years old and I had to live with an uncle in a distant town. Life was no longer rosy and it got worse when my father passed away.

Today’s society needs to treat itself better. Employers really need to pay workers their worth. Remuneration systems in this country should be changed as they are totally unfair!

It would be great if the citizens of this country took security seriously, followed traffic rules and totally shunned violence as a way of ‘solving’ differences. So many deaths would be averted.

Should you have the power, never pass an opportunity to help a person in need. As petty as the help sought may seem, you could just be the thin line between saving or destroying a life!


Way Bigger Than Me..


I was very happy when I eventually gathered courage enough to hand in my resignation letter. This marked the end of me being employed! I felt freedom allover me. Freedom from having someone manage my time and freedom to do what I really wanted and when I wanted to do it. I started a business and It certainly hasn’t been smooth, but I can proudly say the entire journey has been worthwhile.

Right after high school, I went through a very low moment in my life. Despite having passed my exams in flying colours, my mother did not have money enough to finance my university education. I almost lost that opportunity, and this really broke my heart. God, as always in my life, did come through and I managed to get my degree!

If I had it in my power to change today’s society, I would cultivate a culture of self-respect amongst my fellow citizens. Lack of self-respect is what causes people to litter their very own environment and see no worth in being helpful to the neighbour in need.

I look forward to building something that will be way bigger than me. It could be a business, a song or even a book. I really have no clear idea of what it is right now, but I strongly feel this is what I am destined to do! 🙂

Love The Children..


I love children. They are the future of this country, and I am not just saying this as the old adage goes; I mean it. The way a society brings up its children determines how the society will run when they are grown-ups. I have taken it upon myself to ensure that children grow up being well mannered and respectful of self as well as others. I have come up with a business concept around this and I dedicate all my work hours to it, working with kindergartens, and other elementary education institutions. A tree is shaped when young, and it is in this age that I seek to instil good manners in the kids I work with.

I dislike it when people look down upon the efforts of others and belittle them. I come across such people regularly as I visit government offices to sell my idea of working with kids, and it saddens me how a people can just choose to trivialize children and their affairs. It hurts me.

I found great happiness when I married my wife and I was even happier when God blessed us with a beautiful daughter!

If I had the power to change just one thing in our country today, I’d change people’s attitude. Attitude is everything! A positive attitude goes a long way.