

My good Canon 400D


I thank heavens that it can only happen to things material.

Compared to what we own within us, things material are actually trivial.

What we own within us cannot be taken away. Ideas, dreams, visions are all God given and here to stay!

They robbed me of my tools to work. To destroy the mind that dreams and the heart that drives, they couldn’t hack!

It’s just a bleep in the works, a forced hiatus. Intact is my will and vision to contribute to the fight against tribalism.

I will press on to accomplish what I set out to do (https://askmyshoe.wordpress.com/about/), help me God!

NOTE: I recently had a terrible experience in which I was robbed of my camera, laptop and cell phone. That’s why there has been no post (s) in the past few weeks. I am hopeful to replace them and get back to work soon. Peace!